4th Honorable Mention – 2015 Recipe Contest

Chef Richie here, at your service!

Our fourth honorable mention prizewinner in our 2015 recipe contest is…drum roll please…home chef, Josalyn Holmes! Congratulations Chef! You will receive a deluxe gift box of Bella Sun Luci products so you can get going on your recipe entry for next year’s contest. Keep up the good work and maybe your next recipe will put you in the money!

This month I’m suggesting the chance for an even happier Thanksgiving holiday with this recipe. If you’re throwing your first big family dinner, or it’s your twentieth, here’s an idea for a little something special – Sun Dried Tomato Stuffing.

When I was Mario Batali’s right hand man back at the Santa Barbara Biltmore (in the roaring 80’s, when Mario was a sous chef), he had the recipe for the best stuffing ever and one of the reasons was…sage, the quintessential autumn herb. Chef Richie says: Feel free to add one or two ingredients… à la Chef Batali…turkey drippings and/or BUTTER…you didn’t hear it from me, that I’m giving away Mario’s secrets… he also used brioche instead of bread 

Typically, we associate tomatoes with basil, but it’s autumn, these are sun-dried tomatoes and this recipe by chef Josalyn, which also calls for goat cheese, is a rich wonderful new way to approach stuffing. I urge you to try it, even as a second stuffing. It’s a sophisticated twist on a classic that’s fun to make and will surely spark holiday table conversation.

Congratulations chef Josalyn! I’m looking forward to your 2016 Recipe Contest entry and…everybody else…Get cooking, happy cooking and buon appetito!

Sun Dried Tomato Stuffing


  • 2 Cups of julienne cut Bella Sun Luci Sun Dried Tomatoes with Italian herbs in olive oil
  • 1/4 cup fresh sage- finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh peeled garlic – finely chopped
  • 3/4 cup red onion- cut into thin strips
  • 1 3/4 cup crumbled goat cheese
  • 2 cups of chicken stock
  • 1 loaf of ciabbatta or foccasia bread –diced into large pieces
  • salt and pepper to taste


In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients together by tossing with a large spoon or tongs. Using a 2-inch deep baking pan, pour the combined ingredients into the pan and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 45 minutes. Serve along side, or even stuff your favorite pork chop and or chicken/turkey.

5-7 servings

Chef Richie

About Chef Richie

As corporate chef for Bella Sun Luci, Richard "Chef Richie" Hirshen, whose culinary career spans more than 30 years, plays an instrumental role in product development, recipe creation, and cooking demonstrations.

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