Congratulations to the 2nd Place Winner of our 2015 Recipe Contest – Lindy Paris!

Congratulations, Lindy Paris! You have taken 2nd place in our 2015 Recipe Contest with your

Slow Braised Short Ribs with Bella Sun Luci Sun Dried Tomato Gremolata!

This recipe was the only one of the hundreds of entries we received to rival the winner in its professional composition and use of classic technique. It is a complete dish that adds the flavor and texture that sun dried tomatoes bring to a comfort food dish.

Also, simple enough for the average cook to understand, shop for, prep, assemble, cook and serve, this recipe is old school meets new school. It satisfies the soul and you, Lindy, should be proud to be such an accomplished chef.

This recipe was very easy to follow. Knowing how to braise is NOT a prerequisite if you, the reader, closely follow the directions and have a good pot or pan to braise in. I just happened to have an enameled dutch oven, but if you don’t, simply use a thick-bottom pot that is both big enough for all of the ingredients with room to spare, and small enough to fit in the oven.

Congratulations to Lindy Paris for this epic recipe! It was a pleasure to cook it and eat it, and it is my distinct pleasure to call Lindy, “Chef”. Thank you Chef Lindy! I hope someday we will get to cook together!

Richie Hirshen

Corporate Chef

Mooney Farms/Bella Sun Luci

Chico, CA

Chef Richie

About Chef Richie

As corporate chef for Bella Sun Luci, Richard "Chef Richie" Hirshen, whose culinary career spans more than 30 years, plays an instrumental role in product development, recipe creation, and cooking demonstrations.

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