Building a Mediterranean Grazing Board

Entertain with a Mediterranean Grazing Board

At Bella Sun Luci our team is more like family, gathering around the kitchen to collaborate or having a work family luncheon isn’t uncommon. Whether you are gathering together or staying apart to celebrate the foods of the Mediterranean this May we have designed a charcuterie board so delicious it will entice all appetites to graze.

One reason I love these boards is it allows family and friends to create their own unique pairing using Mediterranean foods. We have been known to entertain with this board in past years and it’s remembered by its vibrant hues and the bold flavors it offers guests.

Building Your Mediterranean Grazing Board

Start off by placing your bowls for spreads or dipping olive oil on the board, then fit your cheeses largest to smallest leaving room for more tasty components in between. I also like to make full rows of ingredients stemming from the inner board so it’s easy for guests to grab.

1.  Commodities like fruits and vegetables are only harvested at the peak of freshness in Italy in order to have the best tasting flavor. I always select the freshest fruit and vegetables from our garden, or pick them up from the local market. We selected carrots, cucumbers, and asparagus as they are in season. We opted to pair crisp pears, red apples, and sweet red grapes for the cheeses.

2.  Add some rich flavors to your board using Italian staples like sun dried tomatoes, tree nuts, olives, and dried meats. I chose to use our Bella Sun Luci Sun Dried Tomato Halves since they bring robust flavor and are rich with antioxidants. Jarred kalamata and green olives are preserved to keep freshness and flavor making them a great ingredient for grazing boards year round. I included raw California walnuts and almonds, as they are full heart healthy fats. Layering in prosciutto and dry salami with cracked pepper to balance out the flavors from the rest of the board.

  3.  Creamy cheeses are a staple of any chacuterie board. I included an aged goat cheese wedge and a petite Brie round topped with robust Bella Sun Luci Bruschetta. Adding the fresh bruschetta over the cheese makes it not only more delicious, but it incorporates in the tastes of the Mediterranean with its fresh tomato and basil ingredients. If you prefer, substitute the brushcetta for a rich pesto spread.

  4.  Homemade hummus topped off with crunchy pine nuts and our arbequina olive oil is an important component to add to your Mediterranean grazing board. Paired with fresh baked pita bread, sliced into wedges for simpler scooping. You can substitute or add another cracker of your preference too.

  Make your board stand out even more using fresh herbs to garnish, like oregano, rosemary, or thyme. This Mediterranean inspired board will do nothing but impress! 

Chef Richie

About Chef Richie

As corporate chef for Bella Sun Luci, Richard "Chef Richie" Hirshen, whose culinary career spans more than 30 years, plays an instrumental role in product development, recipe creation, and cooking demonstrations.

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