May 2020 Honorable Mention - Pork Chop Romano with Tomato Walnut Pesto

This amazing dish, submitted to last year's Bella Sun Luci recipe contest by Mark Engelhart, is a masterpiece. 

It receives our most honorable mention for May and Mark will receive a deluxe gift box of our products for his effort, expertise and creativity. 

Imagine if you will, a bacon-potato-garlic CUSTARD...on top of a pork chop...all of that topped with a walnut (chandler walnuts from our trees by the way) and bella sun luci sun dried tomato and parsley pesto-not pesto. Really you just chop up the walnuts, sun dried tomatoes and parsley by hand. 

Velvety custard with bacon, potatoes and HEAVY CREAM...luscious sun dried tomatoes...crunchy cheese...parsley that cuts through it all with green freshness. This dish is a kaleidoscopic culinary adventure.

Chef Mark, please try again this year and I bet you get to the podium. And all of you chefs out there, please be this creative with your recipe contest entries, which will make my job more fun and me happier, wink-wink.

Remember! The deadline for this year's contest is July 1!!!

Thank you all for a great 2019 contest and I'm...all of us here at Bella Sun Luci are...looking forward to another wonderful experience cooking the recipes you send in.

Be safe, be well and be kind.


Chef Richie Hirshen

Chef Richie

About Chef Richie

As corporate chef for Bella Sun Luci, Richard "Chef Richie" Hirshen, whose culinary career spans more than 30 years, plays an instrumental role in product development, recipe creation, and cooking demonstrations.

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