Top Ten Honorable Mentions – 2014 Recipe Contest

Dear Cooks, Chefs and friends of Mooney Farms/Bella Sun Luci,

Chef Richie here, at your service! After cookin’ (and tasting) up a storm in our Tuscan test kitchen here at Mooney Farms in beautiful Chico, CA, the winners of our yearly recipe contest have been chosen! Dinah Hendon’s brisket took the cordon bleu (which actually means blue ribbon) and now I’m ready for phase 2:

Once a month during the next 10 months (before I begin to test next year’s contest entries) I’ll be choosing the recipes that didn’t win, place or show…the recipes I believe merit honorable mention. I’ll then send a deluxe gift assortment of Bella Sun Luci ingredients to the chefs who submitted these recipes, and post each monthly recipe with its photo on the Bella Sun Luci Facebook page and on my blog, Chef Richie Says!

Keep your eyes peeled for the first honorable mention winner on the last Friday of each month. Maybe your recipe will win an honorable mention prize! The first of these is William Kanour and his Mediterranean Fusion Chicken with Sun Dried Tomatoes.

And get goin’ on your recipes for our 2015 contest. You may be the skilled (not lucky, but GOOD) winner of $2,500! Chef Richie says: “That’s my kind of lettuce!”

Like I said, I am at your service, so please feel free to e-mail me with any comments or questions about cooking. I love sharing ideas with people who are passionate about cooking (and eating) like I am!

Happy cooking and buon appetito!

Con amore,

Chef Richie Hirshen

Corporate Chef

Mooney Farms and Bella Sun Luci

Chico, CA

Chef Richie

About Chef Richie

As corporate chef for Bella Sun Luci, Richard "Chef Richie" Hirshen, whose culinary career spans more than 30 years, plays an instrumental role in product development, recipe creation, and cooking demonstrations.

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