March 2022 Honorable Mention

Foodies, aficionados and fanatics,

Happy March and welcome to springtime!

The chill of winter is a thing of the past and misty mornings, playful days, buzzing bees, blooming flowers, fields of clover and that annual Irish feeling are upon us. This month's Bella Sun Luci Recipe Contest Honorable Mention Prize Winner is being given to Chef Sarah Mahan Lee for her California Style Sun Dried Tomato and Mushroom Soda Bread!


Congratulations Sarah! You've managed, successfully and deliciously to blend Italian and Irish cuisines! I read that Ireland is home to over 2,500 varieties of mushrooms and blending in our sun dried tomatoes is a lovely way to create something brand new for our repertoire here at Bella Sun Luci. A bit of fine Irish butter melted on top will take that home baked satisfaction to a whole other level.

I hope you all bake this very biscuity bread and please keep cooking with our sun dried tomatoes and our other delicious premium products. Then enter your own original and playful recipe to our Recipe Contest page! We'll be so glad you did!

Chef Richie

About Chef Richie

As corporate chef for Bella Sun Luci, Richard "Chef Richie" Hirshen, whose culinary career spans more than 30 years, plays an instrumental role in product development, recipe creation, and cooking demonstrations.

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