Sonoma Spring Sensation Salad


Our Sonoma Spring Sensation is bursting with color and flavor. Sweet snap peas, mild marigolds, & creamy avocados dressed in silky Sonoma Vinaigrette goodness. A show-shopper salad that wows any crowd. This recipe calls for enough to plate 15 portions, but can be easily adjusted for less or more. Be sure to evenly assort the vegetables so the dish is visually weighted, this will make tossing the salad prior to serving simpler.

Total Cook Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 15

Gluten Free

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Bella Product Used:

Sonoma Vinaigrette Rich with Garlic and Sun Dried Tomatoes

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  • 1 bunch asparagus
  • 5 oz pancetta, cubed
  • 16 oz spring mix lettuce
  • 5 celery stalks, quarter lengthwise
  • 1 c snap peas, halved
  • 5 whole carrots, peeled and quartered
  • 6 radish, sliced
  • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds
  • 3 avocados, sliced into quarters
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs, shelled and halved
  • 1 c walnuts
  • ½ c parmesan cheese, finely shredded
  • 3 c Bella Sun Luci 100% Olive Oil Sonoma Vinaigrette
  • Edible flower assortment for garnish


  1. Clean and prepare ingredients as directed above then set aside.
  2. Bring a pot of water with a pinch of salt to boil over high heat. While the water is heating prepare an ice bath in a medium sized bowl, set aside. Cut the end of the asparagus stalks to make the length uniform. Once the salt water reaches a rolling boil drop the bunch of asparagus into the water for no more than one minute. Immediately remove the asparagus from the boiling water and place in the ice bath. Let the stalks rest for 30 seconds and move to a plate to dry.
  3. Pan fry the pancetta in a large pan over medium heat until the sides develop a light crispy appearance. Pull the crispy cubes and place on a paper towel lined plate to cool.
  4. Beginning with a very large platter evenly disperse the spring mix to base the salad. Add the prepared asparagus, celery, snap peas, carrots, in groupings around the bed of spring mix.
  5. Place the radishes and cucumbers to border the groupings of vegetables already placed.
  6. Line the walnuts, pancetta, and parmesan cheese in a slight s pattern throughout the entire salad.
  7. Place avocados and eggs in smaller groupings to cover any of  the bare spring mix. Gently garnish the salad with the edible flowers and dress with Sonoma Vinaigrette prior to serving.

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